Cody Johnson, Photo Steve Sergent, Article: Howie Herula
Brooklyn, MI – As we packed up the camper for the adventurous weekend to come, I couldn’t
help but smile. Not only for being able to attend this event with all the traveling I do for work,
but also for the chance to hang with some good people and meet some new ones in the
process. The drive to Michigan International Speedway, about 90 minutes, had me thinking
about how to structure this event review and how I wanted to put it down in writing. The way
that made the most sense to me was to do a day-by-day summary of the artists that I got to see
and meet, and the things that happened or got my attention each day. So, here goes. I hope
you enjoy reading it.

Day 1 – We got a late start getting into the festival this first day with having to get everything
situated, and get our campsite set up so we could get all of that out of the way and enjoy the
rest of the weekend. We got inside to catch Zach Top do his thing and I must say it was a
pleasant surprise. His style of country reminded of the kind that first got me into country music
back in the early 90’s. His music and style really had that traditional sound and his most known
song, ‘Sounds Like The Radio’, is such a flashback to those days. Great set by Zach and the band
and I also really enjoyed the song ‘The Kinda Woman I like’. As with several of his songs, it had
that traditional, old school honky-tonk sound. Great start to the day and the festival in general.

The next artist we caught was Anne Wilson. I didn’t know much about her other than one or
two of her songs but as she went through her set, I was definitely seeing why she’s been
gaining popularity lately. Being this adorable, tiny little thing didn’t hurt either. The crowd
continued to grow as she went through her setlist and they packed into the ‘Next From
Nashville’ stage to watch her do her thing. It was nice being able to see her in a more intimate
setting and hearing her do ‘My Jesus’ and ‘Rain In The Rearview’ were definitely highlights for
me. Keep your eyes open with this one, I think she’ll be around for a while.

Ran into a few friends, got to talk to some festival attendees and then made our way over to
main stage just in time to watch Jackson Dean do his thing. Now this guy is someone that I
knew was going to make it to next level the first time I heard ‘Don’t Come Lookin’. He’s got the
voice, the look and the obvious talent all-around when it comes to writing songs and picking the
right people to write with him. This was my second time seeing Jackson live and his confidence
on stage grows each time. He definitely looked comfortable up there and the crowd was eating
it up as the main stage area continued to fill up. I always get goosebumps when I hear the song
‘Fearless’ played, and especially when I get to hear him do it live. Bonus for me was finally
getting to meet him in the media tent after his set was over. His was genuinely appreciative of
the compliments I gave him, and I told him that I’ve been following him since the beginning.
This guy is going to do big things in the coming years. Don’t sleep on Jackson Dean.

A quick run back to the campsite to grab something to eat, change into some evening attire and
then it was back over to the main stage for Cody Johnson. I got turned on to Cody a few years
before the he really started that rise to where he’s at now. Most people in this region, and
Michigan in general, didn’t start hearing about him until late 2018 or early 2019 but a friend
who knows my taste in country and knows that I’m picky in what I like told me to “Check this
Cody Johnson guy out”. That was late 2017 and I’ve been a huge fan and supporter ever since.
Although I missed running into him in the media tent by 5 minutes, his live show, like every
other time, is just something all real country music fans need to see. The energy and chemistry
that Cody and his band have is like no other. Playing not only the fan favorites and radio hits
but also a surprise or two, I couldn’t help just looking around in amazement at how much
people love this guy and how much we needed someone like Cody Johnson in country music.
No matter how many times I’ve see him live and listen to him do the patriotic/who I am speech
during each show, it never gets old. This guy is such a proud American and it’s just another
thing that I love about him. The last time I met him was in Dec of 2021 in Columbus, OH. I told
him that day that ‘Til You Can’t’ was going to be number one by spring and that 2022 and 2023
were going to be his years. He smiled and said “I appreciate that man, I hope you’re right”. Even
though I knew I was right, I’m also glad that I was.

It was just before 10pm and it was time for night one’s headliner, Jelly Roll. By this time the
whole main stage area was packed and all surrounding areas were full as well. I have to admit I
was a little buzzed by this time and was hoping I wouldn’t tag out or even leave early, especially
since I’ve seen him several times already and it was such a long day. But him taking the stage
actually had the opposite affect and gave me the energy and the excitement to make it the rest
of the show. The crowd was so loud and as usual, Jelly was so appreciative and so enamored by
just how much people are into him and actually ‘get’ what he’s trying to do and say and what
he now feels is his true purpose here on earth. So many great songs, so many emotions from
not only Jelly Roll, but so many in the crowd. It was another show where you could just look
around and see all the people that have been affected by his music, some who have actually
been saved by songs, some who were thinking about loved ones they’ve lost to addiction of
some kind. I always love hearing ‘Save Me’, ‘Son of a Sinner’ and ‘She’, but also really enjoyed
hearing ‘Bottle and Mary Jane’, and his new song ‘I’m Not OK’. Which was the first time most of
us had heard it live. My evening was made when Jelly had Cody come out and join him on stage
to do ‘Whiskey Bent’, a song they do together on Cody’s latest album. Such an Incredible first
day of Faster Horses and I ended that night wondering how the next 2 days could even

Day 2 – Day two had a slow start for all of us at the campsite but breakfast and just relaxing for
a few hours made it all better. A slight delay as we headed in to catch our first artist of the day,
but we got there just in time to see the last few songs from Alexandra Kay. Another act that I
didn’t know much about but thoroughly enjoyed the songs we saw her perform and the way
she interacted with the crowd. She was a natural up there and watching the crowd sing along to
‘Everleave’ let me know that she definitely deserved to be up on that stage playing this festival.

Next up for us for the day was Annie Bosko. I have to admit I hadn’t heard of her before but
looked into her a little, read some of her past, and I thought she was super attractive, so I had
to go see what she was all about. I’m glad I made that decision because I was really impressed
with her look, her stage presence and the way that she owned that stage for those 45 minutes.
Annie is a ‘California Cowgirl’, which is actually the title of one of her songs, and it was a breath
of fresh air to see a female not trying to look or be like so many other in this industry that are
trying to get noticed and make it. Annie Bosko is another one that you may want to keep your
eyes on in the coming years.

I was so excited to see Sawyer Brown again, it had been many years since the last time, but I’ve
been a fan since their early years. Unfortunately, due to a miscommunication and a delay with
happenings in the media tent, I was only able to hear them and not actually watch the show.
There’s something about watching Sawyer Brown and watching Mark Miller get into it. Great
front man and he is so entertaining when he takes the stage. I still enjoyed at least hearing
them again as they went through playing some of my favorites from them like ‘The Walk’, ‘Six
Days On The Road’, ‘Some Girls Do’, and ‘Thank God For You’. So glad to see that these guys are
still going and still sounding amazing live.

A run back to the campsite for food and a change of clothes and it was time to head over to
main stage to catch Old Dominion. It was my first time seeing them live and I have to admit, it
was much better than I was anticipating. The crowd was going crazy for these guys and I totally
forgot just how many hit songs and familiar songs they actually have. Most of their set had the
crowd singing along loudly with the band and at times, even drowning them out a little. I was
looking forward to hearing ‘Memory Lane’ but also enjoyed hearing ‘Hotel Key’, ‘No Hard
Feelings’ and a few others. The next time I see them announced for headlining a larger venue I
will no longer not understand why. These guys are true showmen and they put on an incredible
show. I guess you could say they now have at least one more new fan after their performance
that night.

Night two was coming to a close and it was time for what so many had been waiting for that
day. Lainey Wilson was about to take the stage. I’ve been a huge fan of Lainey since I first heard
about her story and moving to Nashville with basically nothing many years ago. If there was
ever someone that I knew was going to make it, just based on drive, determination and talent,
it was Lainey Wilson. There’s just something about this girl and the whole world has been
seeing this over the last few years. She has the looks, the voice and the personality to be one of
the biggest female country stars ever, at least in my opinion. The crowd noise and interaction
was just insane through the majority of her set. So much singing from the crowd, so many cute
moves and just evidence of having a blast up there from Lainey. As most of you have heard by
now, yes, she did split her pants during one of the songs but what you may not know unless you
were there is that while obviously being embarrassed, she was also hilarious and she took the
mic with her and was giving commentary while one pair of pants was being taken off of her and
another put back on backstage. She handled it like a total professional and we were all cracking up listening to her go through this ordeal in front of like 40,000 people. Amazing show from her
and I especially loved hearing ‘Wildflowers and Wild Horses’ and Watermelon Moonshine’. The
future is yours, Lainey. Own that shit.

Day 3 – By the third day we are all starting to really feel it and to top things off, this was the
hottest day of the weekend. We all took a little longer to get over to the action, but we finally
made it over as Ashley Cooke started her set on main stage. I knew a little bit about her and
really love the song ‘Never Til Now’, but it was also great hearing her do ‘Your Place’ live. She
was a natural on stage and did an amazing job entertaining the crowd and with showing
everyone just exactly what she was all about. You’ve only been hearing about her the last year
or so but I think this is girl is here to stay.

I was excited walking over to the ‘Next From Nashville” stage because I’ve really been wanting
to see Josh Ross and he was up next. Words can’t describe how much I enjoyed his set. His
performance had the most people I had seen in that tent all weekend. Not only was the entire
tent over filled, they were spreading out into the surrounding area. Such a great performer and
his tribute to 90’s rock with a medley consisting of Creed and 3 Doors Down songs had the
crowd going crazy. He sounded amazing doing his hits ‘Single Again’ and ‘Trouble’ and after
having several people yell it out, did his version of ‘Iris’ by the Goo Goo Dolls. Something you
need to find online and listen too. He does such an incredible job with that song. I’m telling you
all now, you’re going to be hearing a lot about this guy. Excellent job, Josh.

Next up for us was Riley Green. I will admit, I’d only heard a few songs from him, mostly
collaborations with other artists, but damn, did I enjoy his set. I got to meet him right before he
took the stage and he was very personable and gave a me fist bump as I told him to have a
great show. I guess I never knew just how many great songs he had out there. ‘There Was This
Girl’, ‘Different ‘Round Here’, and ‘Mississippi Or Me’, all great songs that I guess I just never
knew were Riley. I also need to tip my hat to the simply incredible tribute he did to Toby Keith.
Very well done and the whole thing just screamed ‘American Pride’. I really think Toby was
looking down smiling for those minutes of that tribute. Well done, Riley. You also have another
new fan and thank you for being so cool before the show.

Last act of the last night of Faster Horses and we were all so ready. It was time for Hardy. I’ve
seen Hardy twice before but never a full headlining set and damn, was it something to see. A
total mix of country show and heavy metal show. The lights, the pyro, the vibe. All totally
expected, but yet not expected, if that makes any sense. I noticed a few people leaving during
the set, probably because he did a few straight up hard rock/heavy metal songs mixed in with
the others, but as a lover of country, rock, metal and pretty much everything else, I was in
heaven. Incredibly talented band, great stage show, stage presence from Hardy and the band
and the crowd were just full-blown eating it up and going crazy. Hardy also had some nice
patriotic words to say and showed us all just who he is. I of course loved hearing ‘Jack’, ‘Wait In
The Truck’, ‘Rednecker’, and ‘Truck Bed, but it was so intense when they played ‘Sold Out’.
Everyone still there was just fist pumping, screaming the words, and totally fired up. Let’s just say that everyone left the show that night thinking, wow! As expected, Hardy and the boys did
not disappoint. I was also luckily enough to meet him a few seconds before he got ready to play
and like Riley, was very personable and friendly, and even paused his golf cart driver a few
seconds so we could get a quick picture. Thanks for that, bro. See you at the next one.
Another crazy but successful weekend at Faster Horses. Thanks to those who were part of the
weekend and thanks to the folks at Live Nation Nashville for once again approving Full Access
Detroit for covering the event. It’s always and honor and it’s always appreciated. Looking
forward to Faster Horses 2025.
~Howie Herula